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Houston, property inspections

What does a home inspection consist of?

What is the first thought that comes to your mind when you think about a home inspection? Is it going to be exciting? Or is it giving you unnecessary stress? If you are a resident of Houston, property inspections depend upon the type of home inspection company and home inspector that you choose for your house. You have a wide range in the market to choose from so it is essential to make your choice wisely. 

In Houston, home inspectors are trained to find all the problems present both inside and outside your house which may result in affecting the value of your home. Hiring a good home inspector is paramount. Always remember these three points while hiring a home inspector to come and inspect your house for you. 

1. Licensed. 

2. Bonded.

3. Insured. 

These three credentials will determine if the home inspector you hired for your house is legitimate or not. 

How long does a home inspection take? 

Generally, a home inspection takes several hours ranging from one to four and bigger houses or property with potentially more complex problems require more than one home inspector. Special spots in a house that a general home inspector is not specialized in requires experts with relevant knowledge and experience to conduct the home inspection precisely. These special spots include chimneys or other geological features for example ponds and sewers and, to ensure that nothing is overlooked, a dedicated and relevant team is sent. When you contact a home inspection company, make sure you ask them to send you a home inspector that is the most unbiased and thorough who will conduct his home inspection honestly. 

What to check in a home inspector? 

The certifications and credentials also come on top as the home inspector should be experienced and well equipped because at the end of the day, you are spending money over a home inspection and it should be done perfectly to deliver maximum results as it will be directly affecting you regarding what they uncover and most importantly, what they overlook. If you are paying for a home inspection then it should be done in such a way that all the aspects are being covered and there is nothing left that needs to be fixed or repaired so that when they are done with the inspection and then the treatment of all the faults found in the house, the house should be completely fault-free. Home inspectors can be present everywhere working individually or from a certain company. What matters is that these inspectors are qualified or not and if they are able enough to complete the inspection process and deliver 100% results. 

What is covered in a complete home inspection? 

  • Structure inspection

This includes a complete overlay inspection of the complete structure of the house. 

  • Roof inspection 

The roof of your house is a sensitive issue and its structure and other specific details should be checked regularly to make sure that no point is missed which may lead to high repair costs. 

  • Gutter inspection

The sewage system of a house is important because if we neglect it, only the foul smell will not be a problem. It can lead to leakages and much more which will increase the discomfort of the residents. 

  • Siding inspection

Only inspecting the house is not enough, the surroundings should also be kept in check to make sure that everything is working the way it should be.

  • Electrical system inspection

Electrical repairs also cost a lot if the proper working is not regularly checked. This part of a home inspection is very crucial because not only is electricity essential for the basic functions of a house but if neglected, it can be a serious threat to the safety of the residents. 

  • Foundation inspection

The Foundation of a house is what it is based on and proper maintenance and checks are essential to ensure everything is working safely.

  • Window inspection

Windstorms and other disturbances can lead to the weakening of such points in your house and for safety purposes, their locks and window panes should be inspected regularly. 

  • Doors inspection

Just as windows, doors should be checked regularly too to make sure there are no damages caused by wood destroying insects or problems due to moisture. Locks should also be checked regularly. 

  • Decks, porches, & patio inspection

It is important to check these as well because if there is something wrong with them, not only will it affect the appearance but the overall safety of the house.  

  • Driveway and Garage inspection

It should be solid to ensure the constant coming in and going out of the car is not affecting the floor. Other factors should not be affected as well.

  • Insulation inspection

Materials like asbestos should not be present in the houses as insulation material as it causes lung diseases. 

  • Plumbing system inspection

Water is a basic necessity and making sure that it is working is very important. Leaks and damages to the plumbing system can affect the whole household. 

  • HVAC unit inspection

Maintaining a comfortable environment inside your house is very important. 

  • Appliance inspection

To make sure all your appliances are working to avoid any inconvenience 

  • Ventilation system inspection

It is essential to make sure that there are no toxic gases present inside your house. 

  • Pool and Spa inspection

If you have a pool at your house, to make sure you do not face inflated electricity bills and other problems, this is important too. 

  • Exterior sprinkler testing

Same reason as the pool inspection and to make sure your garden is as luscious as ever. 

  • Termite inspection

As the majority of the structure of the houses in Houston is made of wood, this is an inevitable part of a home inspection. 


Not only these but many other services along with the support of the name of the company which makes sure that all the practices have been followed and good equipment is provided to the Home Inspectors Houston when they are going to visit their house to conduct a successful home inspection. 

One point that should not be missed here is that when you book an inspection, you are not only just going to get a good handshake and report in the end but many more benefits along with exquisite services. 

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